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Here Are Our Favorite Diwali Campaigns Of 2022
By 3Minds Digital   |   November 4, 2022   |    Office Tales

The festival of lights fills our lives with warmth, joy, and hope. #Diwali2022 is more special than ever since the last two years with the…

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5 Techniques to Protect Your Ecommerce Site from Frauds
By 3Minds Digital   |   September 28, 2022   |    Marketing

When we talk about eCommerce, we are talking about the process of buying and selling goods and services, over an electronic network, through an online…

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An inspiring tale of how political campaigns became digital?
By 3Minds Digital   |   September 1, 2022   |    Office Tales

Are you familiar with Piggy Chops? Don’t wrack your brains browsing the search results of endless fictional characters; it has nothing to do with Disney!…

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How can gesture-controlled umpiring change the ball game for cricket?
By 3Minds Digital   |   September 1, 2022   |    Office Tales

Have you ever wondered about a single plot which can push the entire Indian crowd into a roaring rage, collective team spirit, and have a…

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Are you a hustler? Here’s how you can live a perfect life!
By 3Minds Digital   |   September 1, 2022   |    Office Tales

Life is in the little things you do! Climbing the career ladder is admirable, but not at the expense of the little things in life,…

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How SEO is the game-changer in the new digital age
By 3Minds Digital   |   July 26, 2022   |    Marketing SEO

Whether you are the founder of a startup or the CEO of a major corporation, a digital marketing plan is critical to your company's success.…

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How designs play a powerful communication tool in social media marketing
By 3Minds Digital   |   July 25, 2022   |    Marketing Social Media

Today, we’re living in the digital era. Most of the information, entertainment, knowledge, and other content we replenish ourselves with are consumed through this mode…

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How Content is important in Social Media (Content is King)
By 3Minds Digital   |   July 25, 2022   |    Content Marketing

Content marketing is the crux of digital marketing. Content plays an important role in selling brands and establishing an identity in the market. One of…

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How Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are Evolutionary for Digital Marketing
By 3Minds Digital   |   July 25, 2022   |    Artificial Intelligence

We live in an era where we have finally understood the power of data. Earlier, what was known as machine-to-machine was merely an idea. However,…

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Questions to ask your agency before finalizing
By 3Minds Digital   |   July 25, 2022   |    Marketing

Introduction There's no denying that the Internet has been birthing new companies every year. With more and more new businesses coming online, many agencies have…

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