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Why a Brand Narrative is a Necessary Part of Brand Strategy
By 3Minds Digital   |   December 11, 2019   |    Brand Strategy

Image Source-pixabay.com A brand narrative is perhaps the most important aspect of any creative brand strategy. A brand narrative is a base that supports the…

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10 Common PPC Mistakes One Should Avoid Part 1
By 3Minds Digital   |   December 5, 2019   |    Marketing

PPC is a very lucrative model of internet marketing where a lot of money is constantly trading hands: from users to PPC advertisers and from…

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Packaging Design: Think out of the box
By Meet Vora   |   November 15, 2019   |    Design

Introduction: Packaging Design, like so much else, can be as simple or intricate as you want it to be. What's important is the thought that…

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The Necessity of Having a Dynamic Brand Identity
By Meet Vora   |   October 23, 2019   |    Marketing

Image Source: Nina Gregier So your business has an established brand identity, but does it have processes in place that can allow it to change…

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Does your company need Rebrand?
By Meet Vora   |   October 18, 2019   |    Design

Five questions to ask. Having a strong, consistent brand identity is essential in the modern market. A well-defined brand identity can deliver confidence to uncertain…

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A Peek Into The Digital Innovations
By Neelima Patel   |   October 11, 2019   |    Artificial Intelligence Design

If you take a moment to look around, you’ll realize you are encircled by unstoppable transformations and augmentation of technology. There is an intense race…

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As an Entrepreneur, I was bound to face struggles…
By Harnish Shah   |   August 3, 2019   |    Office Tales

I was in an elevator standing amidst a group of 5 men, all decked up in suits and boots. My 25 y/o self, dressed up…

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How Can Call To Action Boost Your Social Media Marketing?
By 3Minds Digital   |   July 31, 2019   |    Marketing Social Media

Selling is an art and digital selling is no more a hidden gem in the market. The world is now digital, and most brands choose…

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How To Crack A Client Pitch?
By Neelima Patel   |   July 11, 2019   |    Marketing

“What should a pitch have that is good enough to get a client onboard?” A question that we never stop analyzing. Generally, the idea of…

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How Artificial Intelligence Is Transforming the Digital World
By Neelima Patel   |   June 28, 2019   |    Development Marketing

In this technology-driven world, change is the only constant. Just like seasons, life, people, and choices, technology changes too in order to make our lives…

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